If commodity prices rise, the terms of trade ( the relative prices of exports and imports) of net importers will deteriorate: countries have to sell more exports to obtain given imports. 如果大宗商品价格上涨,净进口国的贸易条件(进出口相对价格)将会恶化:即为了获取特定数量的进口,国家不得不出口更多的商品。
The paper makes an empirical analysis on current trade patterns of China in order to proof-test the coexistence of exporting commodity structure upgrading and deterioration of terms of trade in China. 本文针对近年来我国出口商品结构高度化和贸易条件持续恶化并存的现象,对中国现实的贸易模式进行了实证分析。
At the same time, the commodity terms of trade showed a downward and fluctuating trend, while the income terms of trade showed a more significant increase. 与此同时,价格贸易条件呈现出波动中下降的趋势,而收入贸易条件则呈现出较为明显的上升趋势。